Sunday, May 13, 2012

ABC Wednesday: Q is for...

I'm seriously late for last week's ABCW letter - Q, but will post anyway to keep on track for next time!

Q is for Quill. My daughter's pet hedgehog is super cute, but not all that cuddly! But he is growing comfortable with her and so will settle into her lap, curled up into a ball. She does have to wear gloves to give him a bath though.


Roger Owen Green said...

He's cute, but, as you indicate, prickly, in the physical, if not the emotional sense.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for this post. What a sweetie!
Wil, ABC Team.

Lynn said...

I didn't know Moi had a hedgehog! When did this
happen? You simply must invite us out to see it. I

Anne said...

You don't need an invitation to come to my house, silly sister of mine!! But yes, you do need to come and see this funny little critter. We got him a couple weeks ago, he is an albino hedgehog so has pink eyes like white mice!

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