Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The many faces of Anne...

"There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."
(from Anne of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery)

"I am a child of God,
I am a glimpse of
    God's new creation"

(And I will never
outgrow swingsets!)

I am a beloved daughter
and a baby sister

un'amica stretta

Mother of two amazing girls



Sara calls this one
"momma's emo picture" 

Reflecting on the holy mystery...
or maybe I just have a secret...
...I'm not telling ;)

 Because it's all about ME!!!

Aglow with Christmas cheer

"Boler chick"

My inner party girl still
makes an appearance
from time to time!

What is at the end of the rainbow?

Oh look, it's ME! :)


Trekcapri said...

Hi from Belgium Anne, this is such a wonderful photo essay and look at who you are. Lovely post. Thank you so much for sharing.

sandrac said...

Wonderful photos, Anne! Isn't it interesting to reflect on how many "faces" each of has!

Annie said...

What a fun post! I loved Anne of Green Gables when I was a kid; I might have to re-read it for old time's sake. Love all your pics of you!

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