This morning I had a forecast meeting with my Director (Marianne) and Deputy Minister (Kevin). At the end of the meeting, Kevin thanked me for all I've done for the department, and let me know how much he has enjoyed working with me. He said he didn't think I was really going to leave - at which point Marianne interjected with "I've been telling you that for six months!" Kevin replied that he's been in denial, and kept thinking I was going to change my mind. He also said I had made it hard for him to gripe about my leaving...said something along the lines of "you're going to do God's work, I can't be giving you grief." I laughed and told him I'd come back and smite him if he gave me a hard time! He had more lovely things to say, how I have always risen to the challenge every time they have asked me to step into an acting role or whatever, and what a great job I did with the United Way campaign, and that my departure is a big loss to our department. But also that he understands that I need to go where I am called to be, and he knows I will be wonderful in ministry. And then he gave me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, and a hug, and said "now get out of here before I cry."
I was very touched and delighted by all of this, as you can imagine! :) It really is great to hear that you've made a positive impact in your job, and in the lives of those with whom you've worked. I said to Valerie recently that I need to leave places more often, because it is good for my ego! I have been surprised and deeply moved by some of the conversations I've had lately...people are expressing their goodbyes with the loveliest of comments. Apparently I smile a lot and have a presence which lifts people's spirits, and that seems to be what people are going to miss most about me...which is a pretty awesome and empowering thing to know about oneself. I'm not even going to pretend I'm not tickled pink to be seeing myself through all these eyes!!
Here I am with my pretty flowers...
Hi Anne, it sounds like you brought a lot of joy to those you work with. Its very understandable that they will miss you, your wondeful smile, your positive uplifting spirit(and your delightfully fun inner child presence) around the office but at the same time are very happy to see you follow the path that you are on....
That's a great photo of you showing the smile and spirit that they will be missing so much and your beautiful bouquet of flowers.
I know that you'll be off to Italy soon so if I don't get a chance to say, safe travels and have a wonderful trip with your mom. Enjoy a nice bubbling glass of prosecco for us. :)
Thanks! Today was surreal, being my last day ever. One fave moment was walking by a coworker's office and I stuck my head in the door and say "so long...farewell..." and he sang back "auf weidersein...goodbye..." Awesome, gotta love a fellow Sound of Music fan.
Mom and I leave Saturday, yippeee! I imagine several celebratory drinks will be in order once we get settled into our rental apt in Rome. :) Will definitely have a toast to you all!
Congratulations to you. And bon voyage and safe travels....have a wonderful trip!
Thanks Annie, I am looking forward to both of my journeys - the one to Italy and the one to ministry! Will take a while before the second one feels real. Right now it feels like I'm just on vacation and will be going back at some point. Can't wait to be in school instead though!!
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