Saturday, January 7, 2012

Photohunt: Bling

It's photohunt time again! This week's theme is *BLING*!!

This is my bling...

The twist tie with which my husband proposed almost 25 years ago! Yes, I still have it. Yes, we're still married! (Married with children, in fact...although fortunately Dave is nothing like Al Bundy and I have yet to start wearing leopard print leggings a la Peg Bundy! lol)


Trekcapri said...

Hi Anne, love it. Wishing you many more years of married bliss with your wonderful husband.

Have a great weekend.

barb cabot said...

It is the most special of rings. Love your bling!

Annie said...

Bling at its best!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I don't know if the twist tie engagement is more special... or the fact that you still have it!
My favorite Bling of the day :) said...

Love your bling. And glad you still have this romantic sentiment of your love. Now, I would love the see leopard leggings! LOL

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