May your journey through the universal questions of life bring you to a new moment of awareness.
May it be an enlightening one.
May you find embedded in the past, like all the students of life before you, the answers you are seeking now.
May they awaken that in you which is deeper than fact, truer than fiction, full of faith.
Photos by me
Words by Sister Joan D. Chittister, Benedictine Sister of Erie, from Welcome to the Wisdom of the World
I came across Sister Joan's words recently while rambling around online. They speak to me in the place where I am right now in my journey. Discerning where God is calling me to be...opening myself to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the midst of a process that does not yet feel as Spirit led as I anticipated. In many ways, I feel like my true discernment has taken place, and continues to take place, outside of my formal Discernment Process.
Surrounded by mystery and grace...enlightened by moments of deep awareness...filled with the power and presence of God...I take deep breaths and pray. I seek answers and understanding...and move forward in my hopeful journey to ministry.
And I thank God for my very dear friend Valerie, with whom I can have deep and challenging conversations about our shared faith that go beyond the (so far limited) discussions within the formal process. Our friendship is itself a particle of the Divine. My heart sings with joy and gratitude for this amazing blessing in my life!
Such beauty - both your words, thoughts, friendship and blog..You seem to be in a special place that many can strive for but don't find.
Hi Anne, such beautiful photos and words. Absolutely gorgeous sunsets. That first one with the light peeking through the dark clouds . . . wow.
You are so blessed to have such a dear friend in Valerie and a special calling to ministry. I'm looking forward to following your journey.
Have a wonderful weekend.
All of these words deeply touch and resonate truth in my soul. I'm so happy and greatful that you have found this path to follow. Really such beauty in all the words you have posted.
menehune, indeed I really AM in a special place...I have leaped heart first into the space where my soul soars!
thanks Kathy, I really love that first photo too, something about a cloudburst always lifts my spirits. Valerie and I are blessed to have found each other, I think a friendship that resonates on so many levels is a rare gift! :)
Barb, I just said to someone a couple days ago that I know why it is named a "call" to ministry, because no other description truly does feel like God is calling me to follow this path. I am profoundly grateful I am able to answer that call. Although it remains to be seen where this path will take me!
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