Tuesday, October 5, 2010

By grace multiplied...

Light gives of itself freely, filling all available space.  It does not seek anything in return; it asks not whether you are friend or foe.  It gives of itself and is not thereby diminished.
~ Michael Strassfeld

Not only are we not diminished when we give of ourselves, in fact we grow.  That has certainly been my experience.  As I share my time, my talents, my treasure, I learn to embrace and celebrate what I have to offer.  Then I find I have even more to offer than I previously imagined!  Our gifts are by grace multiplied...

Like the fish and the bread, by grace multiplied
What we share will increase, gifts of love magnified...
Let us sing with joy and thanksgiving,
As we bring our gifts to the world,
To the one who has given, we give in return,
Let us bring our gifts to the world.
~ Paul Rumbolt


girasoli said...

Hi Anne!

I love your new blog! Hope all is well with you. I finally am trying to get back into blogging. Hard after taking a long (but also needed) break.

:) girasoli

Annie said...

Beautiful post!

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